In a purchase contract, these are often call subjects.
On the financing side, we are looking for the condition “subject to financing” as this allows us, your mortgage team, to finalize your new mortgage prior to the final commitment of your offer.
Additional conditions include “subject to appraisal”, “subject to inspection”, “subject to strata documents”, “subject to sale”, and many more. Any one of these subjects will give you the option to back out of your offer given one or more avenues do not align with your vision.
Typical conditions are in place for 7-10 days, and are ultimately put there protect you, the buyer. If you find yourself in a competitive market, it’s always best to speak to us prior to offering without subjects.
Why do I need “subject to financing” if I have a pre-approval?
The answer is easy - Your “property” is not pre-approved. With every mortgage, you, as well as your property, will both need to meet certain lender criteria’s.